A Filetta feat Paolo Fresu

A Filetta, Paolo Fresu & Daniele Di Bonaventura

equinox - danse mémoire, danse

A Filetta
Bozar, Henry Le Boeuf Hall


20.03.2022 — 19:00


A Filetta, vocal ensemble 

Paolo Fresu, trumpet, bugle

Daniele Di Bonaventura, bandoneon


read the online
programme booklet




standard                                             € 28

-30                                                      € 14



With a homogenous mix of heritage and experimentation, the voices of A Filetta explore the Corsican polyphony of their homeland, weaving it into other genres and music traditions. At Klarafestival, they will forge a dialogue with the virtuoso bandoneon player Daniele di Bonaventura and jazz trumpeter Paolo Fresu. Together they will explore the limits of their instruments in inspired solos and magical duets. The same spirit of cross-pollination is also at the basis of a literary meeting between two inspiring thinkers from the last century: the French Martinican poet and politician Aimé Césaire and the Corsican activist and resistance fighter Jean Nicoli.


about the project

Twice a year, night and day are of equal length everywhere in the world, with the sun directly above the equator and the southern and northern hemispheres receiving exactly the same amount of sunlight. This astronomical phenomenon is known as the equinox. For many cultures, these are moments of particular spiritual significance. To mark the spring equinox, Klarafestival in partnership with Bozar is organising a weekend that revolves around spiritual music, with Iranian and Persian music represented as well as Christian traditions.



Klarafestival, Bozar, Perpodium



© Sébastien Cholier