Festivals for Compassion
Aphrodite Patoulidou Festivals for Compassion

aphrodite patoulidou — festivals for compassion

The amazing Aphrodite Patoulidou performed Thin Air by Calliope Tsoupaki.

festivals for compassion

With the ‘Festivals for Compassion’ event, European festivals show solidarity with anyone who had to suffer from the COVID-19 situation.

Wonderfeel gave the task to the Dutch ‘Composer of Fatherland’  Calliope Tsoupaki to compose a solo play. Each festival chooses its own artist and instrument. As from June 20, the play took  a digital journey through Europe, from festival to festival.

Festival van Vlaanderen, including Klarafestival, made a Flemish version of the concept. Frederik Neyrinck, was commissioned to write eight variations on the Medieval ‘Danse de Cleves’. These are versions composed for accordion, cello, electric guitar, woodwind… Klarafestival invited violinist Alice Van Leuven. More information can be found on www.festivalsforcompassion.com

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